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Dr. Jacopo Maria Pepe

Research Division:

Global Issues Associate

Areas of Expertise


Global and regional Connectivity, Transport, Logistics, Energy Policy, Value and Supply chains, Trade in Eurasia (including Eastern Europe and China), Regional cooperation and alliances (EAEU, BRI), Eastern Partnership, Global Governance/International Order, Russia, China, Kasachstan, Usbekistan, Eastern Europe


Working Groups Projects

Short Curriculum vitae

Since 2024: Head of follow-up project “Geopolitics of the Energy Transition in Greater Asia (GET GA)” and contributor to thematic working group economic and technological transformations

Since 2022: Head of the project "Geopolitics of the Energy Transition - Hydrogen (GET H2)"

Since 2021 Research Associate in the Project "Geopolitics of the Energy Transition - Hydrogen (GET H2)"

2019-2020 Research Associate in the Project "Geopolitics of the Energy Transformation"

2018-2019 Research Fellow and Projectmanager, German Council on Foreign Relations, Robert Bosch Center for Middle-Eastern, Europe, Russia, Central Asia

2016-2017 Adjunct Professor, Associate Faculty Member, Edwin O Reischauer Center for Asian and East-Asian Studies, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC.

2012-2013 Lecturer, Moscow University of Railway Engineering-Chair Geopolitics and Economy of Transport and Energy Systems

2011-2015 Research Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin Centre for Caspian Energy and Environmental Studies

SWP Publications

External publications