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Thematic working group the challenge of autocratisation

Investigating the global trend of autocratisation and the challenges this presents for Germany and Europe.


This horizontal topic investigates the global trend of autocratisation and the challenges it poses to Germany and Europe

The past two decades have witnessed a consolidation of authoritarianism worldwide and an erosion of democratic systems (“democratic backsliding”), even within EU member states. The trend towards autocratisation has significant implications for political and civil liberties, and is associated with adverse effects on the predictability of foreign policy, regional stability and interstate conflicts. The developments are a challenge for German foreign policy interests, such as energy and resource security and global governance.

It is crucial to understand how autocratisation unfolds in relevant countries. What variants of autocratisation can be identified? What are the specific local, regional and global drivers of this development? Who are the defining actors? What are their strategies and instruments? How exactly does autocratisation affect the domestic, foreign and economic policies of the states involved? What are the implications for the international order? And how do autocratisation and armed conflict interact?

Dealing with authoritarian and autocratising states raises many questions for Germany and its partners:  What are Germany and Europe’s objectives in relation to specific policy areas? What conflicting aims emerge? How much will is there to actively shape developments concerning global governance, regional stabilisation or political transformation? And what instruments and leverage are available to Germany and the EU?

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