Eastern Europe, Eurasia Head of Research Division
Since 09/2008 Senior Associate, Research Division Eastern Europe and Eurasia, SWP
01/2016–09/2018 Deputy Head, Research Division Eastern Europe and Eurasia, SWP
10–12/2015 Robert Bosch Public Policy Fellow, Transatlantic Academy, Washington D.C.
01–06/2011 Participating in a 6-month Program on Security Policy, Federal College for Security Studies (BAKS), Berlin
2004–2008 Assistant Professor, Institute of Political Science, University of Regensburg
2002–2004 Postdoc Scholarship and Lecturer, LMU Munich and the University of Regensburg, Germany
Covertly Mobilising Volunteers While Preparing for a New Round of Compulsory Mobilisation
From ad hoc support to long-term security guarantees as NATO member
One year after the massive attack on Ukraine, the Kremlin is sticking to its maximum goals, a negotiated settlement is not in sight. How a prolonged war can affect Russia, Ukraine and Belarus is analysed in this 360 degrees. Margarete Klein coordinated the publication.
A stress test for military reform and regime legitimacy
Organizational and personnel changes