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David Kipp, Dipl.-Pol.

Research Division:

Global Issues Associate

Areas of Expertise


David Kipp works on current issues of German and international refugee and migration policy. He is particularly interested in EU migration policy and how migration interests determine its foreign policy. Within the framework of the research project "Strategic Refugee and Migration Policy", he deals with possibilities of action of migration-related development cooperations .

Working Groups Projects

Short Curriculum vitae

Since 2016 Researcher in the project »Strategic Refugee and Migration Policy«

2009-2015 Advisor to Members of the German Bundestag, Berlin

2008 Research and Programme Coordinator, Development and Peace Foundation, Bonn

2008-2009 Project Assistant, »Germany Close Up - American Jews Meet Modern Germany«, Berlin

2002-2007 studies of political science, Otto-Suhr-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin

SWP Publications

External publications


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