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Dr. phil. Sabine Fischer

Areas of Expertise


Foreign and security policy of Russia, EU-Russia relations, unsolved conflicts in EU's Eastern Neighbourhood, regional relations in Eastern Europe and Eurasia

Working Groups

Short Curriculum vitae

Since 05/2021 Senior Fellow, Research Division Eastern Europe and Eurasia, SWP

2018–2021 Team Leader, Public Diplomacy. EU and Russia Project, Goethe Institute Moscow

Since 2017 Member of the Advisory Board of Russland-Analysen

Since 2016 Member of the Advisory Board of the FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe, Vienna

Since 2015 Member of the Petersburger Dialog e.V.

Since 2014 Member of the Board of the German Association for East European Studies (DGO), since 2021 Executive Board

2012–2018 Head of Research Division, Eastern Europe and Eurasia, SWP

05/2015 Visiting Fellow, Carnegie Moscow Center

2007–2012 Senior Research Fellow at the European Union Institute for Security Studies in Paris

1997–2006 Institute for East European Studies at the Free University of Berlin, The Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), Peace Research Institute Frankfurt

SWP Publications

External publications