International Security Head of Research Division
since 2010: Advisory Board for Civilian Crisis Prevention of the Federal Foreign Office
2008-2009 Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich
2007 European Union Institute for Security Studies, Paris
since 2006 Lecturer, Institut d'Etudes Politiques/Sciences Po Paris
2005-2007 Fellow of the European Foreign and Security Policy Studies Programme
2001-2003 Public Affairs, IPA Network Berlin
2000-2001 German Council on Foreign Relations; Berlin
As a Consequence of Russia’s War against Ukraine, Paris and Berlin Adapt Their Security and Defence Policy – And Bilateral Divergences Are Increasing
European Perspectives on potential consequences and the policy areas most affected
From ad hoc support to long-term security guarantees as NATO member
Consequences for allies in Asia, NATO and Germany
A Review of Twenty-One National Perspectives
Après six mois de guerre, quelles sont les conséquences politiques, économiques et sécuritaires pour l'Europe ? Comment l'Europe fait-elle face à cette guerre longue ? Six mois de guerre qui ont chamboulé l'ordre mondial et européen
What will a stronger German military mean for European security?
The new German government has set itself the task of developing a national security strategy in 2022. The timeframe is tight, but this could be an advantage.