Communicating Strategically about What? Europe and China in the Kenyan Media
Megatrends Policy Brief 27, 04.09.2024, 11 Pagesdoi:10.18449/2024MTA-PB27
European actors are increasingly relying on strategic communication tools in their external relations, especially in key partner countries like Kenya. Based on a large-scale media screening and interviews with media experts, this paper examines which issues related to the EU/Europe and China have received the most media coverage in Kenya over the past decade (2013–2023). The paper finds, among other things, that European actors involved in communication efforts increasingly need to communicate about the EU’s role in global affairs and the impact of European decisions, products, and standards on African markets, without resorting to a “West versus China” framing.
A Kenyan newspaper vendor reads a newspaper featuring front page article about US President-elect Donald Trump as he waits for customers at a street in Nairobi, Kenya, 10 November 2016.
© picture alliance / dpa | Daniel Irungu
In the run-up to the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) 2024, many eyes are on China's growing influence in Africa. “What is the European dilemma in dealing with China in Africa?” asks Karoline Eickhoff in this Spotlight, which offers suggestions for dealing with competitive dynamics.
This policy brief delves into China's strategic media engagement across Africa, revealing a dynamic interplay of state and private efforts aimed at reshaping narratives and boosting China's influence. It emphasises the pivotal role of economic and regulatory landscapes, suggesting the necessity of fostering African media independence to safeguard against authoritarian tendencies.
Kenya's diplomatic strides in a multipolar world, balancing East and West ties, increasingly face scrutiny at home. This policy brief analyzes the divergent views on President Ruto's foreign policy domestically as well as abroad. What role for non-alignment in an environment of global division?
The EU faces (geo)political challenges as it implements the Global Gateway Initiative in East Africa, including rent-seeking dynamics and competition between external actors. Our paper recommends adressing mobility needs of East Africans and increasing regional coordination to mitigate risks.
China is investing in large-scale infrastructure projects across Africa. In Kenya, it has built several of these “mega projects”. While their economic viability remains to be seen, debates on the risks and benefits of Chinese investments and public debt are in full swing. 2022 is not only an important election year in Kenya but also a peak period of debt repayments. In this political climate, Chinese mega projects are either portrayed as symbols of independence and modernity, manifestations of usurpation, or colossal losing deals.