Since 2009 researchers from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik and Osrodek Studiów Wschodnich (Centre for Eastern Studies) have been conducting a German-Polish Think-Tank Dialogue on developments in the post-Soviet states. Annual workshops held alternately in Warsaw and Berlin discuss the political, social and economic dynamics of the Eastern European and Eurasian regions. Reciprocal research visits to the partner institute help to deepen knowledge of the discourses in Germany and Poland. Topics addressed in recent years include power constellations in Russia and Russia´s war against Ukraine, domestic developments in Ukraine, energy security, the Transnistria conflict as well as the opportunities and constraints of the European Union’s and NATO´s policy towards their eastern neighbours.
This dialogue project was repeatedly financially supported by the “Fundacja Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej (Foundation for German-Polish Cooperation)” over many years.
Eastern Europe, Eurasia (Head of Research Division)
phone:+49 30 88007- 256