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Short bibliographies

Other countries’ perspectives on, and relations with, North Korea

South Korea – North Korea

Chang, Kiyoung: North Korea and the East Asian Security order: competing views on what South Korea ought to do / Kiyoung Chang and Choongkoo Lee.- Teil der Special Section: South Korean perspectives on the evolving regional order in East Asia. In: The Pacific review. - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. ISSN: 0951-2748, 31 (2018) 2, S.245-255

Dok, Jon Min: After the Pyeongchang Olympics: prospects for Inter-Korean relations / Institute for Security & Development Policy. [Jon Min Dok, Hyeong Jung Park]. - [Nacka]: Institute for Security & Development Policy, April 2018.

Kim, Jiyoon: South Korean youth's perceptions of North Korea and unification / Kim Jiyoon (senior fellow), Kildong Kim (research associate), Kang Chungku (senior associate), the ASAN Institute for Policy Studies. Seoul: The ASAN Institute for Policy Studies, 2018.04.20. 

Ku, Yangmo: Politics in North and South Korea: political development, economy, and foreign relations / Yangmo Ku, Inyeop Lee, and Jongseok Wu. - London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. - xiv, 231 Seiten,  ISBN 9781138647503

Kwon, Edward: South Korea’s deterrence strategy against North Korea’s WMD, In: East Asia 1 (2018) 35, S. 1-21

Snyder, Scott A: South Korea at the crossroads. Autonomy and alliance in an era of rival powers. Columbia University Press Jan. 2018, ISBN: 9780231185486

Chŏn, Sŏng-wŏn: Managing a nuclear-armed North Korea: a grand strategy for denuclearized and peacefully unified Korea / Seong Whun Cheon, visiting research fellow, Asan Institute for Policy Studies. - Seoul:: The ASAN Institute for Policy Studies, 2017.09.15.

USA – North Korea

The Korean peninsula crisis.. In the line of fire and fury / International Crisis Group. - 2018. - 1 Online-Ressource (ii, 36 Seiten): 2 Karten (Asia report; no. 293)

The Korean peninsula crisis.. From fire and fury to freeze-for-freeze / International Crisis Group. - 2018. - 1 Online-Ressource (iii, 24 Seiten): 2 Karten (Asia report; no. 294)

Revere, Evans J. R.: Endgame: a reflection on U.S. strategic choices and the North Korean threat / Evans J.R. Revere, nonresident senior fellow, Center for East Asia Policy Studies, The Brookings Institution. - [Washington, DC]: [Brookings], [January 2018]. - 1 Online-Ressource (28 Seiten)

Warden, John K.: North Korea's nuclear posture: an evolving challenge for U.S. deterrence. Institut Français des Relations Internationales: Proliferation papers / 58. - North Korea's nuclear posture: an evolving challenge for U.S. deterrence / John K. Warden; ifri, Security Studies Center. - Paris: Ifri, March 2017. - 1 Online-Ressource (50 Seiten) (Études de l'Ifri) (Proliferation papers; 58)

Chanlett-Avery, Emma; Rinehart, Ian E. e.a.: North Korea: U.S. relations, nuclear diplomacy, and internal situation / Emma Chanlett-Avery; Ian E. Rinehart. - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2016. (CRS Report for Congress; R41259)

Manyin, Mark E.; Nikitin, Mary Beth: Foreign assistance to North Korea / Mark E. Manyin; Mary Beth Nikitin. - Stand: 02.04.2014 - Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2014. (CRS Report for Congress; R40095)

Hyon, Song Ri: Confidence building between the DPRK and the U.S.: the foundation for settling the Korean issues / Hyon Song Ri. - Nacka: Institute for Security and Development Policy, 2012. (Asia Paper / Institute for Security and Development Policy)

China – North Korea

Kong, Tat Yan: China's engagement-oriented strategy towards North Korea: achievements and limitations / Tat Yan Kong. In: The Pacific review. - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. ISSN: 0951-2748, 31 (2018), 1, S.76-95

Fei, Su; Saalman, Lora: China's engagement of North Korea: challenges and opportunities for Europe / by Fei Su and Lora Saalman. - Solna: Sipri - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 2017.

Mastro, Oriana Skylar: China's evolving North Korea strategy / Oriana Skylar Mastro;; United States Institute of Peace. - Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace, September 2017. - 1 Online-Ressource (4 Seiten). (Peace brief; 231)

Easley, Leif-Eric; Park, In Young: China's norms in its near abroad: understanding Beijing's North Korea policy / Leif-Eric Easley and In Young Park. In: The journal of contemporary China. - Abingdon ...: Carfax. ISSN: 1067-0564, 25 (September 2016) 101 (2016), S. 651-668 + Lit.Hinw.

Grieger, Gisela: New sanctions against North Korea: the challenges of implementation and China / author: Gisela Grieger. - [Brussels]: European Parliament, 2016. (Briefing / European Parliament)

Fire on the city gate: why China keeps North Korea close / International Crisis Group. - Brussels, 2013. (ICG Asia Report; 254)
https://d2071andvip0wj.cloudfront.net/fire-on-the-city-gate-why-china-keeps-north-korea-close.pdf (14.6.18)

Duchâtel, Mathieu; Schell, Phillip: China's policy on North Korea: economic engagement and nuclear disarmament / Mathieu Duchâtel and Phillip Schell. - Solna: SIPRI - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 2013. (Policy Paper / Stockholm International Peace Research Institute; 40)
https://www.sipri.org/sites/default/files/files/PP/SIPRIPP40.pdf (14.6.2018)

Japan – North Korea

Tosaki, Hirofumi: The North Korean nuclear issue and Japan’s deterrence posture; The Japan Institute of International Affairs, March 2017, 19 S.

Hagström, Linus; Hanssen, Ulv: The North Korean abduction issue: emotions, securitisation and the reconstruction of Japanese identity from 'agressor' to 'victim' and from 'pacifist' to 'normal' / Linus Hagström & Ulv Hanssen. In: The Pacific review. - Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press. ISSN: 0951-2748, 28 (March 2015) 1 (2015), S. 71-94 + graph. Darst., Lit. S. 89-94

Mason, Ra (2014) Japan's relations with North Korea and the recalibration of risk. Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies/Routledge Series. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Edström, Bert: Troubled encounter: Japan-DPRK non-relations / Bert Edström. - Nacka: Institute for Security and Development Policy, 2012. (Asia Paper / Institute for Security and Development Policy)

Takahashi, Toshiya: Japanese neo-conservatism: coping with China and North Korea / In: Security Challenges - Canberra: Kokoda Foundation. ISSN: 1833-1459, 6 (Spring 2010) 3 (04.2010), S. 21-40 https://www.regionalsecurity.org.au/Resources/Documents/vol6no3Takahashi.pdf

Russia – North Korea

Lukin, Alexander: Russian strategic thinking regarding North Korea.- In: Rozman G., Radchenko S. (eds) International Relations and Asia’s Northern Tier. Asan-Palgrave Macmillan Series. Palgrave, Singapore, 2018, Print ISBN 978-981-10-3143-4. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-3144-1, S. 267-282

Westermann, Jacqueline: Putin and North Korea: Exploring Russian interests around the peninsula, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, May 2018, 12 S.

Lukin, Artyom; Zakharova, Liudmila: Russia-North Korea economic ties: Is there more than meets the eye? In: Orbis: a quarterly journal of world affairs. - New York, NY: Elsevier. ISSN: 0030-4387. - 62 (2018) 2, S.244-261

Asmolov, Konstantin: The greater evil. - In: Russia in Global Affairs, 26.12.2017

Lee, Rensselaer W.: Russia and crisis management on the Korean Peninsula / Foreign Policy Research Institute; - Philadelphia, PA: Foreign Policy Research Institute, [2017]

Nuclear weapons and Russian-North Korean relations / Foreign Policy Research Institute. - Philadelphia, PA: Foreign Policy Research Institute, [2017]

Joo, Seung-ho: Russia's policy on nuclear proliferation and national unification on the Korean peninsula / Seung-Ho Joo. In: Pacific focus: Inha journal of international studies. - Inchon. ISSN: 1225-4657, 29 (August 2014) 2, S. 167-187.

Europe – North Korea

Rash or Rational? North Korea and the threat it poses: House of Commons Defence Committee, United Kingdom; 5 April 2018, 38 S. (Fourth Report of Session 2017–19; HC 327)

Lee, Moosung: The EU and the Six-Party Talks / by Moosung Lee. - Roma: Istituto Affari Internazionali, 2017. (IAI Working Papers; 17/09)

Pacheco Pardo, Ramon: The EU and the Korean Peninsula: diplomatic support, economic aid and security cooperation / by Ramon Pacheco Pardo. - Roma: Istituto Affari Internazionali, 2017. (IAI Working Papers; 17-02)

Reiterer, Michael: Supporting NAPCI and trilateral cooperation: prospects for Korea-EU relations / by Michael Reiterer. - Roma: Istituto Affari Internazionali, 2017. (IAI Working Papers; 17-01)

Andersson, Magnus; Bae, Jinsun: Why stay engaged with a state deemed fragile?: The case of Sweden toward the Democratic People's Republic of Korea / Magnus Andersson and Jinsun Bae. - Lund: Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University, 2014. (Working Papers in Contemporary Asian Studies; 40)

Fitzpatrick, Mark: North Korean proliferation challenges: the role of the European Union / Mark Fitzpatrick. - o.O.: EU Non-Proliferation Consortium, 2012. (Non-Proliferation Papers; 18)


State and society

Buzo, Adrian: Politics and leadership in North Korea: the guerilla dynasty / Adrian Buzo. - Second edition - London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. - xi, 291 Seiten

Kretchun, Nat: Compromising connectivity: information dynamics between the state and society in a digitizing North Korea / Nat Kretchun, Catherine Lee, Seamus Tuohy; Intermedia. - [Washington, DC]: Intermedia, [2017?]. - 1 Online-Ressource (97 Seiten)

D'Ambrogio, Enrico: North Korea's propaganda strategy / author: Enrico D'Ambrogio. - [Brussels]: European Union, 2016. (Briefing / European Parliament)

Sakai, Takashi: North Korea's political system / Takashi Sakai. - Tokyo: Japan Institute of International Affairs, 2016.

Stephens, Angelica M.: The Juche factor: North Korea's political ideology / by Angelica M. Stephens. - Honolulu/Haw.: Pacific Forum CSIS, 2016. (Issues and Insights; 16-7)

Bennett, Bruce W.: Preparing for the possibility of a North Korean collapse / Bruce W. Bennett. - Santa Monica/Cal.: Rand Corporation, 2013.

Collins, Robert: Marked for life: songbun, North Korea's social classification system / Robert Collins. - Washington/D.C.: Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, 2012

Human rights

Son, Sarah A.: North Korea's human rights insecurity: State Image Management in the Post‐UN COI Era; In: Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 138–149 (2018)

Report on human rights abuses or censorship in North Korea / prepared by: U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. - Washington/D.C., 2017.

Hawk, David: The parallel Gulag: North Korea's "An-Jeon-Bu" prison camps / HRNK; David Hawk with Amanda Mortwedt Oh. - Washington, DC: Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, [2017]. - 1 Online-Ressource (VIII, 129 Seiten): Fotografien

Human rights in North Korea: accountability vs. engagement?; Workshop / author: Mariam Khotenashvili. Requested by the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Human Rights. - Engl.-language ms. was completed on 12 May 2016 - [Luxembourg]: Publications Office [of the EU], 2016

Stephens, Angelica M.: The Juche factor: North Korea's political ideology / by Angelica M. Stephens. - Honolulu/Haw.: Pacific Forum CSIS, 2016. (Issues and Insights; 16-7)

Cohen, Roberta: Human rights and humanitarian planning for crisis in North Korea / Roberta Cohen. In: International journal of Korean studies. - Fairfax/Va.. ISSN: 1091-2932, 19 (Fall-Winter 2015) 2 (2015), S. 1-25

Shin, Chang-Hoon; Go, Myong-Hyun: Beyond the UN COI report on human rights in DPRK / Shin Chang-Hoon & Go Myong-Hyun. - 1st ed. - Seoul: Asan Institute for Policy Studies, 2014. (Asan Report)


Bennett, Bruce W.: Preparing North Korean elites for unification / Bruce W. Bennett; RAND Corporation; RAND National Security Research Division. - Santa Monica, Calif: RAND Corporation, [2017]. -  ISBN 9780833097989 - ISBN 0833097989 - ISBN 978-0-8330-9798-9 - ISBN 0-8330-9798-9

Rein, Conrad: An East German perspective on Korean reunification / Conrad Rein In: Strategic analysis: Monthly journal of IDSA. - Abingdon: Routledge. ISSN: 0970-0161, 39 (September-October 2015) 5 (2015), S. 535-540

Solving long division: the geopolitical implications of Korean unification / Patrick M. Cronin ... Center for a New American Security. - Washington/D.C., 2015.

Six-Party Talks

Lee, Moosung: The EU and the Six-Party Talks / by Moosung Lee. - Roma: Istituto Affari Internazionali, 2017.(IAI Working Papers; 17/09), ISBN 978-88-9368-035-6; ISSN 2280-4331

North Korea: beyond the six-party talks / International Crisis Group. - Brussels, 2015.
(ICG Asia Report; 269)

Bajoria, Jayshree; Xu, Baina: The Six-Party Talks on North Korea's nuclear program (Backgrounder) / New York/N.Y.: Council on Foreign Relations, Last updated September 30, 2013

Buszynski, Leszek: Negotiating with North Korea: the Six Party Talks and the nuclear issue / Leszek Buszynski. - London: Routledge, 2013. (Routledge Security in Asia Pacific Series; 25), ISBN 978-0-415-68273-2

Kim, Sung-jin: Six-Party Talks as multilateralism / Sung Jin Kim In: Journal of peace and unification. - Seoul. ISSN: 2233-9671, 2 (Fall 2012) 2 (10.2012), S. 107-124

Ending the North Korean nuclear crisis: six parties, six perspectives / ed. by Koen de Ceuster . Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael. - The Hague, 2008. (Clingendael Diplomacy Papers; No. 18) ISBN 978-90-5031-131-1


Rennack, Dianne E.: North Korea: legislative basis for U.S. economic sanctions, Jun 11, 2018, Washington D.C.: CRS

Albright, David; Burkhard, Sarah; Lach, Allison: 52 countries involved in violating UNSC resolutions on North Korea throughout most of 2017. Washington, DC: Institute for Science and International Security, March 9, 2018

Haggard, Stephan: Hard target: sanctions, inducements, and the case of North Korea / Stephan Haggard and Marcus Noland. - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, [2017]. - xiii, 321 S. (Studies in Asian security),ISBN 9781503600362 - ISBN 978-1-5036-0036-2

Hippel, David von: Sanctions on North Korean oil imports: impacts and efficacy / Peter Hayes and David von Hippel; Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability. - Berkeley, CA: Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability, September 9, 2017. - (NAPSNet special reports)

Berger, Andrea:  A house without foundations: the North Korea sanctions regime and its implementation, RUSI.org, 09.06.2018 (Whitehall Report 3-17, June 2017)

Park, John S.; Walsh, Jim: Stopping North Korea Inc.: sanctions effectiveness and unintended consequences / John Park; James Walsh. - Cambridge/Mass.: MIT Security Studies Program, 2016.

Nuclear and other weapons programmes

Haggard, Stephan; Cheung, Tai Ming: North Korea’s approach to defense innovation: foreign absorption, domestic innovation, and the nuclear and ballistic weapons industrial base, SITC Research Briefs, Series 10, UC San Diego, May 2018, 5 S.

Albert, Eleanor: North Korea’s military capabilities. – Backgrounder, Council on Foreign Relations. Last updated April 30, 2018

Cho, Pyungse: North Korea's foreign policymaking and nuclear weapons. - In: Asian survey: a bimonthly review of contemporary Asian affairs. - Berkeley, Calif: Univ. of California Press., ISSN: 0004-4687, 58 (2018), 2, S.320-340

Pollack, Jonathan D.: North Korea's nuclear and missile programs: strategies, directions, and prospects; Brookings. - [Washington, DC], January 2018, 16 S. https://www.brookings.edu/research/north-koreas-nuclear-and-missile-programs-strategies-directions-and-prospects/

McEachern, Patrick: Reading Kim Jong Un's lips: what is his playbook and intention with nuclear weapons? - Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability. - Berkeley, CA, December, 2017, 23 S.

Allard, Leonie: Pre-empting defeat: in search of North Korea's nuclear doctrine. - London: European Council on Foreign Relations, November 2017, 11 S. ISBN 9781911544371 - ISBN 978-1-911544-37-1

North Korea and nuclear weapons: entering the new era of deterrence / Sung Chull Kim and Michael D. Cohen, editors. - Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, [2017], 224 S.
ISBN 9781626164536 - ISBN 9781626164529 - ISBN 978-1-62616-453-6 - ISBN 978-1-62616-452-9

Military options for action

Zimmerman, Peter D.: Assessing the DPRK’S KN-09 300 MM multiple rocket launcher system: decisive or incremental? - NAPSNet Special Reports, June 10, 2018, 25 S.

Mazarr, Michael J.: The Korean Peninsula: three dangerous scenarios / Michael J. Mazarr, Gian Gentile, Dan Madden, Stacie L. Pettyjohn, Yvonne K. Crane; Rand Corporation. - [Santa Monica, Calif.], 2018, 23 S.

Garwin, Richard L. ; Postol, Theodore A.: Airborne patrol to destroy DPRK ICBMs in powered flight, Washington, DC: MIT, November 2017, 26 S.

McInnis, Kathleen J. et al: The North Korean nuclear challenge: military options and issues for Congress. - Congressional Research Service. - [Washington, DC] November, 2017,  61 S.

Chalmers, Malcolm: Preparing for war in Korea. RUSI Whitehall Report, September 2017, 30 S. ISSN 1750-9432.

Lieber, Keir A.; Press, Daryl G.: The new era of counterforce. Technological change and the future of nuclear deterrence. - In: International Security, 41 (Spring 2017) 4, 41 S.

Kondoch, Boris: North Korea and the use of force in international law. - In: The Korean Journal of Security Affairs. - Seoul. ISSN: 1229-3601, 18 (December 2013) 2 (2013), S. 4-30

Information technology and cybercrime

Berger, Andrea: The shadow sector: North Korea's information technology networks / Andrea Berger, Cameron Trainer, Shea Cotton, and Catherine Dill; Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, May 2018, 36 S.

Chanlett-Avery, Emma et al.: North Korean cyber capabilities: In brief. -  Congressional Research Service. - [Washington, DC], August 2017, 13 S.

Kretchun, Nat: Compromising connectivity: information dynamics between the state and society in a digitizing North Korea / Nat Kretchun, Catherine Lee, Seamus Tuohy ; Intermedia. - [Washington, DC] , 2017, 97 S.

North Korea Cyber Activity
Recorded Future Insikt Group, 2017, 29 S.

Ko, Kyung-min: Political impacts of internet in North Korea : analysis and prospects based on foreign precedents / by Ko Kyung-min. In: Vantage point: Developments in North Korea. - Seoul: Naewoe Press. ISSN: 1228-517X, 39 (January 2016) 1, S. 29-40

Jun, Jenny ; LaFoy, Scott ; Sohn, Ethan: North Korea's cyber operations : strategy and responses / authors: Jenny Jun ; Scott LaFoy ; Ethan Sohn. Project directors: Victor D. Cha ... Center for Strategic and International Studies. - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015.
ISBN 978-1-4422-5903-4   - ISBN 978-1-4422-5902-7

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