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Franziska Schwebel, M.A.

Research Division:

EU/Europe Research Assistant

Areas of Expertise

Tasks and responsibilities

Franziska Schwebel works on issues of global and European health policy. The nexus between geopolitics and global health strategies, issues of international health diplomacy and socio-political (especially feminist) dimensions of health and disease worldwide are her main areas of interest.


Short Curriculum vitae

Since 2022 Research Assistant, research project „Global and European health governance in crisis“

2020-2021 M.A. International Relations, King‘s College London

2019 External consultant, global project „Inclusion of persons with disabilities“, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Bonn

2017-2019 Internship and student assistant, Competence Center „Health, Social Security and Inclusion“ and global project „Inclussion of persons with disabilities“, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Eschborn and Bonn

2015-2019 B.A. Transnational Social Work, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

SWP Publications