Mali currently hosts the German Bundeswehr’s largest foreign deployment. Some 1,400 soldiers are involved in the United Nations Stabilization Mission (MINUSMA) and the European Training Mission (EUTM Mali). Many other member states of the European Union (EU) as well as the United Kingdom (UK) are also heavily involved in Mali militarily, but also politically and in terms of development policy. Regarding a possible extension of both missions, doubts not only hang over their effectiveness, but also their political licence and framework. Mali’s military government, in power since 2020, has adopted a confrontational course towards Western and regional partners, thus putting cooperation to a severe test.
Das Abzeichen der Vereinten Nationen und des Einsatzes MINUSMA sind am 07.04.2017 auf dem Flugfeld Camp Castor in Gao in Mali auf dem Ärmel eines Bundeswehr Soldaten zu sehen. Außenminister Gabriel besucht als Außenminister erstmals Afrika. Foto: Michael Kappeler/dpa
© picture alliance / Michael Kappeler/dpa | Michael Kappeler